grass fed beef
Our grass fed beef animals are born on the farm and raised on the certified organic pastures with cows and calves raised together. We graze rotationally on the nearest 60 acres to the heart of the farm and move the cows to fresh pastures when the grass is clipped, leaving enough grass for healthy and quick regrowth. In the winter, they live in the barn with access to the outdoors for sunlight and fresh air. They have free choice of a mix of silage and hay that was harvested during the previous growing season on the farm and are 100% grass fed. The barn is open concept and the cows can move freely within the barn during the non-grazing season.
The animals are raised following organic standards and we bring them to a butcher shop in Maine, to a USDA inspected facility.
To purchase our beef, you can visit our Farm Store or pre-rder meat bundles to pick up at the farm.